Mandates with its Vision, Mission and Goal

1. Assessment refinement of technologies/varieties/products through On Farm Testing to identify the location specificity of technologies in various farming systems.

2.  Frontline Demonstrations to establish production potentials of newly released technologies on farmer’s field and provide feedback.

3.  Training  for Farmers, Farmwomen to update their knowledge and skills in  modern agricultural areas to technology development.

4.   Work as resources and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.

5.   Create awareness about frontier technologies through large number of extension activities like farmer fair, field day, strategic campaign, Ex- trainees meet, etc

6.  The Seed and planting materials produce by the KVKs also be made available to the farmers.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mandla where situated of Northern Hilles Zone of Chattisgarh and established March 2006.. Identity several bottlenecks with solution of the district are as follows - 


    • Availability of quality seed through seed production technology and Seed replacement.
    • Crop diversification
    • Rainwater and irrigation management
    • Integrated pest management
    • Farm mechanization and drudgery reduction
    • Increasing productivity of vegetables
    • Integrated livestock management
    • Development of rural entrepreneurship for income and   employment generation like   
               Bee Keeping and mushroom cultivation
    • Promotion of organic farming along with balanced nutrition.
    • Cropping pattern- Paddy-Wheat, Paddy-Gram, Pigeon pea-Fellow, Urid-Mustard